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Adoptive Parents: Do adoptive parents ever report any issues with bonding with their adoptive child?

Answer: No. While being concerned with bonding is often a concern of a prospective adoptive parent(s) who are beginning to explore adoption, those that pursue adoption and have a baby through the process always report that bonding starts to take place as soon as the adoptive parents hold the baby and are given the responsibility of caring for the baby. In domestic adoption, the adoptive parents are usually in the delivery room and start to care for the baby the instant the baby is born. The awesome responsibility of parenting a newborn child instantly takes over. As one client once put it, "the second you see and hold the baby that was meant to be, bonding is instant and your life is forever changed."

Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 11:51AM by Registered CommenterAdoptHelp in | CommentsPost a Comment | References1 Reference

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    Adoptive Parents: Do adoptive parents ever report any issues with bonding with their adoptive child? - Adopthelp Adoption Blog - Information for Adoptive Parents and Birth Mothers

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