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Adoptive Parents: I am terrified about the birth parents changing their mind after they sign their adoption papers. Can this happen?

Answer: First, birth parents who voluntarily elect to place a child for adoption and who personally choose the adoptive family are very grateful to the family they selected and are proud of their decision. Second, if a birth parent could change their mind about the placement after the revocation period runs, then there would be no such thing as adoption. The law simply does not permit this. In all fifty states, as long as there is no fraud, duress or coercion (which I assume is not part of your adoption plan) there is nothing that can go wrong once valid consents of the birth parents are obtained and the short revocation period has run. In a majority of states, irrevocable consents can be obtained and relied upon within seven days or less of the baby's birth.

Posted on Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 11:42AM by Registered CommenterAdoptHelp in | CommentsPost a Comment

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