« QUESTION: Friends of ours adopted twins through a local attorney. He charged them twice the legal fees because they adopted two babies at once. We also saw on adoption forum sites that some programs charge extra fees if the prospective adoptive parents want to be selective on gender, race, etc. Does your program have a similar fee structure? | Main | We have heard incredible things about your program. Can you answer the following questions: 1) Do most adoptive parents go forward with the 1st birth mother who selects them or do they pass & wait for the “perfect” match; 2) What is the average of this happening; & 3) when a birth mother selects an adoptive parent in your program, how likely is it that it results in a successful adoption. »

QUESTION: Friends of ours adopted twins through a local attorney. He charged them twice the legal fees because they adopted two babies at once. We also saw on adoption forum sites that some programs charge extra fees if the prospective adoptive parents want to be selective on gender, race, etc. Does your program have a similar fee structure?

ANSWER: No, our clients are free to pursue any type of adoption they wish with whatever filters that are right for them.  There are not any additional fees for adopting twins or pursuing a specifically targeted adoption.  Our program places a strong emphasis on fostering an environment that lets clients personalize their adoption plan without being restrained by an aggressive fee structure.

Posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at 03:41PM by Registered CommenterAdoptHelp | CommentsPost a Comment

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